

Blade and Soul Blade Dancer And Assassin





Blade and Soul Blade Dancer And Assassin

Blade Dancer

Blade and Soul Blade Dancer And Assassin

The Lyn have also taken up the sword, but rather than wholly adopt the techniques of the Blade Master, they have invented their own unique blend of skills exclusive to their kind. The Blade Dancer merges rapid attack speed, high mobility, and devestating control abilities at the expense of defense.

Blade Dancers focus on dashing around the battlefield at blinding speed to evade damage entirely. With both physical and mystical abilities at their disposal, they can dominate a fight before their opponent even realizes what hit them.

The Blade Dancer��s high attack speed and ability to chain attacks make them excel at one-on-one battles, while their crowd control skills give them an undeniable edge in parties. However, the Blade Dancer must always be aware of their Focus and pace themselves lest they risk running out of steam and leave buy bns gold themselves open to counter-attack.


While most classes charge in bold and daring, the Assassin is a stealthy sort that www.bladeandsoulgolds.net prefers to take things at their own pace. They can control the battlefield like no other, luring enemies into deadly traps before they even know what hit them.

The Assassin whittles away at an enemy��s strength with rapid fire attacks that cause bleeding and poison damage, which drain the life from their foes over time. While their razor-sharp Dagger is vital, they also employ explosives, poisons, smoke, and other potent utilities to hobble their enemies. On top of their ingenuity, they can also use strange martial arts that allow them to turn invisible, teleport around the field, and even swap places with enemies in an instant.

More so than others, Assassins work best alone. However, their status-altering abilities and damage-over-time effects make them an important addition to any large-scale battle.




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